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Expert advice, consultancy and support on all aspects of Microsoft infrastructure, licensing and security

We’ve been providing professional advice, consultancy and support on all aspect of Microsoft infrastructure, licensing and security for over twenty years. We’ve helped hundreds of organisations modernise and secure their workplace – the chances are we could help yours too.

  • assess365 - Microsoft Security Assessment

    assess365 - Microsoft Security Assessment

    With cyber attacks increasing in volume and sophistication, budgets being squeezed, and an overcrowded cyber security marketplace it has arguably never been harder for CISOs to see the wood from the trees. A Microsoft Security Assessment – based around a tangible Microsoft Security Score – is a great way to understand where your business is, and more importantly, where it could go with a Microsoft First approach to security.

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  • support365 - Managed IT Support

    support365 - Managed IT Support

    It can be a real challenge to try and support everything and everyone in-house, particularly with business environments changing rapidly and technology continuing to advance at pace. Does it even make sense if your core business is not IT? At Softwerx, we’ve been providing IT Support for over 20 years and it is our core business. We support dozens of organisations of all different sizes, from all different sectors – the chances are we could help your business too.

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  • consult365 - Professional Services

    consult365 - Professional Services

    It’s impossible to know everything all of the time – especially when it comes to an everchanging Microsoft environment. Resolving critical infrastructure problems quickly – and getting best-practice advice whenever you need it is difficult for most businesses that do not have a direct relationship with Microsoft.

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  • remediate365 - Remedial Services

    remediate365 - Remedial Services

    It’s impossible to know everything all of the time – especially when it comes to an everchanging Microsoft environment. Resolving critical infrastructure problems quickly – and getting best-practice advice whenever you need it is difficult for most businesses that do not have a direct relationship with Microsoft.

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  • discover365 - Microsoft Discovery Workshop

    discover365 - Microsoft Discovery Workshop

    Whilst many businesses are already subscribed to one or more Microsoft Office 365 plans, many are not fully utilising their investment. In a free Microsoft Discovery Workshop, you will quickly understand in detail: which applications and features; within which Microsoft plans you are currently subscribed to; what you are entitled to; and to what extent these are correctly configured and deployed.

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  • Penetration Testing

    Penetration Testing

    Penetration Testing (also sometimes described as ethical hacking) is an exercise where an authorised third party will attempt to gain access to your network or systems to highlight and identify security weaknesses. A Penetration Test is an ‘acid test’ for any organisation that takes cyber security seriously and wants to genuinely test its defences in a realistic scenario.

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  • Cyber Essentials Certification

    Cyber Essentials Certification

    The Cyber Essentials scheme is a UK Government-backed scheme, supported by the National Cyber Security Association (NCSC) and managed by the IASME consortium. The scheme is designed to help organisations achieve a base level of security and certification across five key principle control areas. A Cyber Essentials certification is a base-level starting point to building and maintaining a robust cyber security posture. We can help your organisation achieve a basic cyber essentials certification (or a Cyber Essentials Plus certification) quickly and cost-effectively.

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