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Strengthen and streamline your security during times of change with three strategies

Posted : 26 April 2022

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Drawing from independent research, and real-world results from Microsoft customers, this guide provides your organisation with a clear roadmap and justification to streamline and strengthen your security. You’ll see how you can protect against new security threats and manage costs to your organization with Microsoft 365 E5.

Read the Microsoft report to learn more about how to strengthen and streamline your security with these key points:

  1. Create an efficient, cost-effective approach to security
  2. Deliver seamless end-user experiences
  3. Reduce cyber-risk with integrated, best-in-class protection

A recent study found that 9 out of 10 organisations that consolidate their security portfolio significantly reduce their risk of breach. Softwerx can help you get started streamlining and strengthening your security so you can achieve a stronger, more resilient posture while saving on costs.

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